Profit from a Customer Service Recovery Program (Expert Advice)

By John Madden Summary: How you and your staff handle complaints is absolutely crucial to delivering, and being seen as delivering top quality service to your customers. That’s because customers pay special attention to how their concerns and complaints are dealt with. Learn more about how to…

Why Do Your Customers Complain and What Can You Do About It? (Expert advice on complaint prevention)

By Robert Warlow Summary: Handling customer complaints is one of the essential pillars of customer service and customer retention. However, it’s just smart business to try to understand WHY customers complain, so you can PREVENT complaints from happening in the first place. Understanding why customers…

The Sham (and Shame) Of CSI – Customer Satisfaction Index(es)

The Sham (and Shame) Of CSI – Customer Satisfaction Index(es) By Bill Kaye Editor’s Note: Businesses often rely on data gathering techniques, often faulty, to evaluate the satisfaction levels of their customers. Unfortunately, it’s often garbage in, garbage out, and since it’s hard, and expensive to…

Business to Business Customer Satisfaction Surveys (Expert customer service advice)

The many ways customer satisfaction surveys end up as Garbage In, Garbage Out (GIGO) and how to avoid these problems Business to Business Customer Satisfaction Surveys By John Coldwell Summary: Great source for learning how to conduct customer satisfaction surveys. Written to help people collect customer…

Completely Vacuous Advice On Improving Customer Service

Completely Vacuous Advice On Improving Customer Service Editor’s Note: We’re including this in the library, not because of the excellent advice that it contains, but because it’s typical of the ridiculously simplistic and useless advice often offered up by supposed “customer service” experts, and consultants….

Database of 280 survey items for business to business customer satisfaction

B2B Customer Satisfaction Surveys – What Questions Should I Use? By John Coldwell Comment: If you are looking for questions to include on a customer satisfaction survey for your business to business customers (B2B), you’ve found the motherlode. Below you’ll find almost 300 items you can…

What Every Employee Should Know About How to Prevent Customer Service Conflicts (Expert Advice)

S.O.A.R.I.N.G. – Acronym for seven steps to use to prevent customer service conflicts What Every Employee Should Know About How to Prevent Customer Service Conflicts By Etienne Gibbs Summary: Customer service conflicts are inevitable, sometimes because the customer is difficult, or sometimes because the company’s…