Who NOT To Listen To About Customer Service Improvements

Who NOT To Listen To About Customer Service Improvements by Robert Bacal Social media has provided anyone who wishes to expound on customer service (and many other topics) regardless of their expertise, experience or agendas. This makes it more difficult for businesses to get a…

I’m NOT A Customer Service Whore! – Rethinking Customer Service

Rethinking Customer Service I’m NOT A Customer Service Whore! When I read the exhortations, particularly by self-styled experts writing on the Internet, I get the distinct impression that the role of the customer service representative, at least in the minds of these “experts”, is to…

Is Much of What You Believe About Customer Service Wrong? – Part 1 By Robert Bacal

Common wisdom about business value of customer service often way over-stated. Is Much of What You Believe About Customer Service Wrong? – Could Be. By Robert Bacal As is probably the case with you, I’m someone who makes a living by being interested in customer service,…

It’s Time To Stop The “Love The Customer Nonsense and Get Serious About Customer Service

Preaching “Love Thy Customer” A Bad Thing? It’s Time To Stop The “Love The Customer” Nonsense and Get Serious About Customer Service It’s time to cut the crap about customer service “love”, and start to deliver basic, efficient, fast service to customers. It’s the ONLY…

Do you have to provide 24/7 social media responses?

Customers want 24/7 responses in social media, right? Is It Necessary To Provide 24/7 Responses To Customer Contacts On Social Media? Survey research has suggested that customers want almost immediate responses from companies when they contact them on social media. What does that mean for…

Identity Theft is a Major Problem: Whose Responsibility is It to Protect the Consumer? (Expert Advice)

By Cindy Schroeter Graham Summary (Ed.): Perhaps due to the reliance on technology, customer information, confidential records, and other financial and personal information need to be protected to prevent criminals from using that information to commit crimes or fraud. Who’s responsibility is it? Consumers can only do so much, and…

Managing customer service in a large versus small business

Some things are easier, some harder for small companies Similarities and Differences Between Delivering Customer Service As A Small Business Vs. A Large One: Large Or Small, Customer Service And How It Relates To Size Comment: Find out how it’s different to manage the customer service…

Making Customer Satisfaction Surveys Work (customer service advice)

By Martin Day Why bother? Good customer service is the life blood of any business. Although new customers are important good customer service will help generate customer loyalty and repeat business. With each satisfied customer your business is likely to win many more customers through recommendations and remember, if…

More Resources: The Power of Customer Communities And Forums Plus Making Them Work

Online customer forums and communities are exceedingly powerful tools for building customer loyalty and increasing the long term return on investment (or lifetime value) of each customer. They are also often misused and neglected because it takes a commitment of time to keep them under…

Building A Customer Community For Small Business

Customer Communities Can Be Great For Supporting Customer, Or Really, Really Anger Provoking Over the last decade more and more companies have launched online communities, because of the cost savings, particularly if you can get customers to help each other and answer each other’s questions….