Why do customers appear to want more tech. in their customer service?

Customers have given up on customer service from humans Why It Appears Customers Prefer Technologically Delivered Customer Service It’s pretty clear that given a choice for certain tasks, customers will choose a method that does NOT include live human interaction. Surveys tend to support the…

Why Is Twitter A One-Way Broadcast Medium?

Twitter as a broadcast, one way medium What Are The Implications Of People Using Twitter As A Broadcast One-Way Medium? ALL of the research suggests that contrary to all the expert advice on Twitter, companies and individuals use Twitter as a one-way communication method; in…

Evolution limits tech. success for customer service

How human evolution places limits on how technology affects customer service Human Evolution Makes Us Social Creatures Who Still Prefer Face to Face Many species who are less physically able to deal with stronger predators evolve to rely on socialness to defend themselves. They run…

What is Customer Relationship Management Conceptually?

Understanding CRM conceptually is important to make effective use of its various tools What is Customer Relationship Management Conceptually? CRM (Customer Relationship Management) has grown to the point where almost anything can be considered part of managing the customer experience, since the customer experience is…

Discover Intended Outcomes to Manage Customer Experience Effectively

Part of providing great customer experience is making sure you understand the customer’s intended outcomes By Lynn Hunsaker When a customer asks you a question, do you double-check your assumptions about their intended outcome? So often we take inquiries at face value, or simply assume…

Making Customer Satisfaction Surveys Work (customer service advice)

By Martin Day Why bother? Good customer service is the life blood of any business. Although new customers are important good customer service will help generate customer loyalty and repeat business. With each satisfied customer your business is likely to win many more customers through recommendations and remember, if…

Customer Service Training is For Managers Too

By Bill Hogg Editor’s Note: Since I’ve done hundreds of customer service related training sessions, the importance of having managers involved and attending has jumped out at me. There are so many reasons for this. First, managers play critical roles in setting the tone for…