I’m NOT A Customer Service Whore! – Rethinking Customer Service

Rethinking Customer Service I’m NOT A Customer Service Whore! When I read the exhortations, particularly by self-styled experts writing on the Internet, I get the distinct impression that the role of the customer service representative, at least in the minds of these “experts”, is to…

Let’s Hold Customer Research Firms Accountable For Misleading research

Customer Service Research Often Misleading, Badly Designed, Or Poorly Interpreted Holding Customer Research Firms Accountable For Misleading Research It’s been a bad week in a bad year for customer research and the companies that produce information about customer and consumer behavior. While there’s a torrent…

Nonsense Numbers: $75 Billion Lost Due To Poor Customer Service….But Where Does It Go?

In an article entitled Businesses Lose $75 Billion Due To Poor Customer Service, appearing in Forbes and dated May 17, 2018, customer service “expert” Shep Hyken explains: NewVoiceMedia’s 2018 “Serial Switchers” report reveals that poor customer service is costing businesses more than $75 billion a year. That’s…

How Confused Are We About Customer Behavior?

Factors That Confuse Businesses’ Understanding Of Customer Service And What Customers Want previous page on the difficulties of understand customers Another Problem: Effects Of Customer Service Probably Long Term, Not Short Term Another reason why it’s difficult to determine both what customers “want”, and how…

Social Customer Service: Customers Don’t Care

What About Other Social Media Platforms? How Are THEY USED, and What Are The implications For Customer Service? …continued from Who Stole Social From Social Media There are all kinds of other social media platforms out ranging from those that are picture oriented (Pinterest), video…

Why The Research Is Wrong On Customers Paying For Better Service

Why The Customer Service Research Gets It Wrong: …continued from here The Over-Generalization Problem Before we look at the evidence that supports or disconfirms the survey research on this subject, we have to address a central problem. If you look at the quotes at the…

Dumbed Down Advice From Dumb Customer Service Experts

How Our Dumbed Down “Understanding” Of Customers Destroys Good Service By Robert Bacal You’d think it would be easy to determine what customers want. Just ask them. Or, watch them behave. There aren’t any other options. If businesses could get actionable and accurate information this…

Important Conclusions: What Customers Want

Radical Customer Service – Understanding Customers Important Conclusions About What You “Think” You Know About What Customers Want, and The Power of Customer Service continued from You can’t “understand customers”. You can only understand customers within the context they operate ; their locations, cultural backgrounds,…

Geography, Culture Matter For Good Customer Service

Radical Customer Service: Understanding Customers Is Harder Than You Think continued from… Geography Matters When It Comes To Customer Service Let’s take a closer look at “geography”, but this time in terms of how people in different cities can have quite different ideas about”great customer…