What’s Inside Perfect Phrases for Customer Service (Part 2)

Perfect Phrases For Customer Service Table of Contents Part 2 Due for release in late 2004, Perfect Phrases For Customer Service (McGraw-Hill) is a unique and simple method to learn how to deal with standard and difficult customer service situations. For your information, we have compiled a Table of…

Free Customer Service Book Excerpt – When A Customer Interrupts

When a Customer Interrupts a Discussion Between the Employee and Another Customer THE SITUATION You may face a situation where you are helping one customer and a second customer rushes up and interrupts your conversation. It may appear that you are caught between a rock and a hard…

Free Customer Service Book Excerpt – When You Are Late

Perfect Phrases For Customer Service includes sixty tough customer service situations, and how to deal with them. It uses a series of dialogues, and explanations to show you what to do, and when. This is a sample. When You Are Late or Know You Will Be Late THE…

Perfect Phrases For Customer Service Main Page

Overview: Perfect Phrases For Customer Service By Robert Bacal (McGraw-Hill) Learn about an innovative and unique way to learn to improve your customer service skills and those of your colleagues and managers. This is the second edition released in 2010, and it’s even better than the original….

What’s Inside Perfect Phrases for Customer Service (Part 1)

Perfect Phrases For Customer Service Table of Contents Due for release in late 2004, Perfect Phrases For Customer Service (McGraw-Hill) is a unique and simple method to learn how to deal with standard and difficult customer service situations. For your information, we have compiled a Table of Contents for…

Perfect Phrases For Customer Service – Preface Online

Perfect Phrases For Customer Service – Preface The following is the Preface from Perfect Phrases For Customer Service, by Robert Bacal (McGraw-Hill). For complete information about this groundbreaking book on customer service click here. From there you can browse excerpts and the Table of Contents. I want…