A Typical Day – Why Technology is Worsening Both Customer Service and Customer Experience

A Typical Day – Why Technology is Worsening Both Customer Service and Customer Experience In my short article entitled Has technology improved the customer experience in most companies? I put forth a number of reasons why technology is making customer service and customer experience worse….

Technology Fails To Improve Customer Service

Human beings are wired for face-to-face and voice communication Has Technology “Hit The Wall” In Improving Customer Experience and Customer Service? In the last few months, conversation about chat bots (“intelligent machines that emulate human conversation) have entered the news. It’s amazing that computers can…

Twitter IS A Broadcast Medium, NOT A Conversational One And Implications For Customer Service

Twitter IS A Broadcast Medium, NOT A Conversational One And Implications For Customer Service Over the last two years, I’ve noticed that conversations (dialogue, responses to tweets) have been harder and harder to find despite that fact that social media mavens keep talking about Twitter…

Why do customers appear to want more tech. in their customer service?

Customers have given up on customer service from humans Why It Appears Customers Prefer Technologically Delivered Customer Service It’s pretty clear that given a choice for certain tasks, customers will choose a method that does NOT include live human interaction. Surveys tend to support the…

Do Customers Want MORE Customer Service Technology?

Customers less concerned about HOW they are served than that they accomplish their goals. Do Customers Want More Technologically Based Service Or Less? You’d think that companies moving to technology, whether it’s live chat, or self-service checkouts, or social media, are doing so because their…

Do you have any tips to guide us in using technology to improve customer service?

Tips for marrying technology to customer service Do you have any tips to guide us in using technology to improve customer service? Technology, whether it’s the use of CRM software, troubleshooting knowledge bases, voice mail or other telephone technology, etc is relatively neutral in terms…

Has technology improved the customer experience in most companies?

Has voice mail, phone trees, email and other technologies improved YOUR experience as a customer? Has technology improved the customer experience in most companies? The quality of customer service is determined by many factors. Technology (voice mail, computer based data gathering, etc), unfortunately, has been…

Evolution limits tech. success for customer service

How human evolution places limits on how technology affects customer service Human Evolution Makes Us Social Creatures Who Still Prefer Face to Face Many species who are less physically able to deal with stronger predators evolve to rely on socialness to defend themselves. They run…

What does break though customer service technology look like?

THE technological breakthrough that will revolutionize customer service When Will Technology Actually Improve Customer Service? We have all kinds of technology in the customer service chain, but customer service is perceived as getting worse. Is there a possible technology that not only will improve service,…