Study Suggests Internet/Social Media Customer Service Discriminates Against The Poor, and Rural Residents, and Aboriginal Peoples

Study Suggests Internet/Social Media Customer Service Discriminates Against The Poor, and Rural Residents Discrimination comes in many forms, and often it happens, not as a result of intent to discriminate, but as a byproduct of other actions. Systemic discrimination occurs when barriers are set in…

Every Staff Member Can Gather Customer Satisfaction Data

Who Knows Your Customers Best? It’s The Front Line Staff Gathering Customer Satisfaction Data Every Staff Member A Researcher by Robert Bacal Last month we discussed the importance of measuring client satisfaction if one is interested in improving service quality. This month we are going to present to…

Research: Link between articulated complaints and customer loyalty

Time to make it easy for customers to complain, because that increases customer loyalty Unarticulated Customer Complaints: Loyalty Killer? By Robert Bacal You may have heard of, or read customer service experts who have said, “Complaints are a gift”, with the idea that even negative customer…

Marriott and The Disappearing Desks: Reducing Customer Functionality Is A Good(?) Idea?

Removing features and restricting customer choice rarely the path for better customer experience Removing Features and Options For Customers? The Case Of Marriott’s Missing Desks Many travellers to one of Marriott Hotels brands, particularly business travellers, found something missing. Desks on which to work. According to…

How To Interview A Customer So You Can Make Them Happy

Effective Customer Interviews Make Life Much Easier! By Jennifer Cram Summary: You can’t meet or satisfy a customer’s needs if you don’t know what they are, and if you miss the mark, you may end up with a lost customer, an angry, hostile customer, or other negative…

Business to Business Customer Satisfaction Surveys (Expert customer service advice)

The many ways customer satisfaction surveys end up as Garbage In, Garbage Out (GIGO) and how to avoid these problems Business to Business Customer Satisfaction Surveys By John Coldwell Summary: Great source for learning how to conduct customer satisfaction surveys. Written to help people collect customer…

Database of 280 survey items for business to business customer satisfaction

B2B Customer Satisfaction Surveys – What Questions Should I Use? By John Coldwell Comment: If you are looking for questions to include on a customer satisfaction survey for your business to business customers (B2B), you’ve found the motherlode. Below you’ll find almost 300 items you can…

Making Customer Satisfaction Surveys Work (customer service advice)

By Martin Day Why bother? Good customer service is the life blood of any business. Although new customers are important good customer service will help generate customer loyalty and repeat business. With each satisfied customer your business is likely to win many more customers through recommendations and remember, if…

How to Measure Customer Satisfaction using internal data

By Murali Chemuturi Editor’s note: One problem with metrics is it tends to be difficult and/or expensive to meaningfully measure important things relevant to business, but easier to measure things that are related to variables, that are only indirect indicators of what we are interested…

How companies are misled by their big data

Shotgun Approach To Understanding Customers Via “Big Data” Will Fail Companies Shotgun Analysis of Customers Via Big Data As Likely To Mislead As Help Q: We hear a lot about “big data” as a tool to help individual companies understand their customers. What do you think?…