Moving Companies & Airlines – Two Kinds of Businesses Struggling With Customer Service Issues. Why?

Moving Companies & Airlines – Two Kinds of Businesses Struggling With Customer Service Issues. Why? Stephanie Thum is mad. So, mad in fact, that she posted some 10-20 tweets tagged #custserv about her moving company letting her down and delivering terrible customer service. Stephanie is…

Every Staff Member Can Gather Customer Satisfaction Data

Who Knows Your Customers Best? It’s The Front Line Staff Gathering Customer Satisfaction Data Every Staff Member A Researcher by Robert Bacal Last month we discussed the importance of measuring client satisfaction if one is interested in improving service quality. This month we are going to present to…

It’s Time To Stop The “Love The Customer Nonsense and Get Serious About Customer Service

Preaching “Love Thy Customer” A Bad Thing? It’s Time To Stop The “Love The Customer” Nonsense and Get Serious About Customer Service It’s time to cut the crap about customer service “love”, and start to deliver basic, efficient, fast service to customers. It’s the ONLY…

Customer Service Myth Breaking: Customer Service Quality Will NOT Improve Over the Next Few Years

Fundamental Reasons Why Customer Service Is So Bad Have Not Changed   Customer Service Myth Breaking: Customer Service Quality Will NOT Improve Over the Next Few Years As is the case every year, people stick their oars in and make predictions for the next year,…

A Guide To Customer Expectations Regarding Customer Service and Customer Experience In Various Industries and Niches

A Guide To Customer Expectations Regarding Customer Service and Customer Experience In Various Industries and Niches Your comments, criticisms, agreements and disagreements highly welcome. In an article entitled Customer Service and Why We MUST Get More Find Grained In Our Discussions To Improve It –…

What Are Positive Surprises and What Is There Effect On Customer Service Quality?

Positive surprises are important, but not as important as avoiding surprising disappointment What Are Positive Surprises and What Is There Effect On Customer Service Quality? Positive surprises are things that you may do that go above and beyond the customer’s hopes and expectations (going to…

Gap Model Of Customer Satisfaction Oversimplified

GAP Model of Customer Satisfaction Too Simple To Be Useful The Gap Model Of Customer Satisfaction At least in theory, customer satisfaction levels are important for their assumed ties to customer retention, profit, and so on, although those relationships are rather complex. Also companies don’t…

How To Interview A Customer So You Can Make Them Happy

Effective Customer Interviews Make Life Much Easier! By Jennifer Cram Summary: You can’t meet or satisfy a customer’s needs if you don’t know what they are, and if you miss the mark, you may end up with a lost customer, an angry, hostile customer, or other negative…

Discover Intended Outcomes to Manage Customer Experience Effectively

Part of providing great customer experience is making sure you understand the customer’s intended outcomes By Lynn Hunsaker When a customer asks you a question, do you double-check your assumptions about their intended outcome? So often we take inquiries at face value, or simply assume…