Another Contributor to Problems Dealing With Angry Clientele — That’s You and Your Managers!

Another Contributor to Problems Dealing With Angry Clientele — That’s You and Your Managers! In your job and in your role as a customer contact, your own motivations and skills are going to vary from day to day. Your mood, your current life situation, your…

Overblown Unreasonable Customer Desires Fed by Companies + Low Expectations = Hair Trigger Customer Behavior

Overblown Unreasonable Customer Desires Fed by Companies + Low Expectations = Hair Trigger Customer Behavior One thing that has changed over the years is that customers want more from companies. For example, twenty five years ago it would be unheard of (and laughable) if a…

Lip Service To Customer Service + Lack of Investment = Frustrated Customers

Lip Service To Customer Service + Lack of Investment = Frustrated Customers No doubt you’ve heard the litany repeated over and over again. It’s all about customer service. You have to amaze the customer. You need to be faster than a speeding bullet. Go above…

Chapter II – Understanding Hostile and Angry Customer Behavior: Why They Do What

Chapter II – Understanding Hostile and Angry Customer Behavior: Why They Do What Think about some the difficult customers you have encountered.. What did they look like? What did they do? What unpleasant things did they say? Here is an important question. What percentage of…

What Do Hostile, Angry Customer Interactions Look Like?

What Do Hostile, Angry Customer Interactions Look Like? This is an excerpt from If It Wasn’t For The Customers, I’d Really Like This Job: Stop Angry, Hostile Customers COLD While Remaining Professional, Stress Free, Efficient, and Cool As A Cucumber. In this book excerpt we…