Moving Companies & Airlines – Two Kinds of Businesses Struggling With Customer Service Issues. Why?

Moving Companies & Airlines – Two Kinds of Businesses Struggling With Customer Service Issues. Why? Stephanie Thum is mad. So, mad in fact, that she posted some 10-20 tweets tagged #custserv about her moving company letting her down and delivering terrible customer service. Stephanie is…

Why Customer Service Won’t Differentiate Brands In The Market Place. And It’ll Get Less Important In The USA

Customer Service Myths Why Customer Service Won’t Differentiate Brands In The Market Place. And It’ll Get Less Important In The USA Many people, including a good number of business “experts” have suggested that the quality of a company’s customer service will make it “stand out”…

Is Much of What You Believe About Customer Service Wrong? – Part 1 By Robert Bacal

Common wisdom about business value of customer service often way over-stated. Is Much of What You Believe About Customer Service Wrong? – Could Be. By Robert Bacal As is probably the case with you, I’m someone who makes a living by being interested in customer service,…

It’s Time To Stop The “Love The Customer Nonsense and Get Serious About Customer Service

Preaching “Love Thy Customer” A Bad Thing? It’s Time To Stop The “Love The Customer” Nonsense and Get Serious About Customer Service It’s time to cut the crap about customer service “love”, and start to deliver basic, efficient, fast service to customers. It’s the ONLY…

Customer Service Myth Breaking: Customer Service Quality Will NOT Improve Over the Next Few Years

Fundamental Reasons Why Customer Service Is So Bad Have Not Changed   Customer Service Myth Breaking: Customer Service Quality Will NOT Improve Over the Next Few Years As is the case every year, people stick their oars in and make predictions for the next year,…

Let’s Hold Customer Research Firms Accountable For Misleading research

Customer Service Research Often Misleading, Badly Designed, Or Poorly Interpreted Holding Customer Research Firms Accountable For Misleading Research It’s been a bad week in a bad year for customer research and the companies that produce information about customer and consumer behavior. While there’s a torrent…

Marriott and The Disappearing Desks: Reducing Customer Functionality Is A Good(?) Idea?

Removing features and restricting customer choice rarely the path for better customer experience Removing Features and Options For Customers? The Case Of Marriott’s Missing Desks Many travellers to one of Marriott Hotels brands, particularly business travellers, found something missing. Desks on which to work. According to…

Why Companies Don’t and Won’t Improve Customer Service And The Reason Is Pretty Rational

Why Companies Don’t and Won’t Improve Customer Service There’s a great cacophony of nonsense about a lot of things related to customer service particular by self-proclaimed experts with large followings on Twitter. While these folks are good at self-promotion one has to wonder what qualifies…

Complex Systems The Source of Majority of Customer Service Failures – Part I by Robert Bacal

Complex Systems The Source of Majority of Customer Service Failures – Part I by Robert Bacal Why IS customer service so poor. Survey data, for what that’s worth, shows customers feel that it’s getting worse. Who should we blame? Here’s the customer service team for…