Disasters Highlight Government and NGO Need To Train Staff To Deal With Frustrated and Emotional Clientele

Natural Disasters Highlight Government and NGO Need To Train Staff To Deal With Frustrated and Emotional Clientele   The overwhelming number of government employees are sympathetic to victims of natural disasters, but let’s not forget that employees are under huge stresses themselves, and need to…

Government and Customer Service – An Oxymoron? Why Do People Perceive the Government As Being Poor At Customer Service?

Government and Customer Service – An Oxymoron? Why Do People Perceive the Government As Being Poor At Customer Service? It’s a song as old as the first government. Government is bureaucratic. It doesn’t reward good customer service. Government is full of forms. Government employees don’t…

Understanding Angry Customers

Use YOUR Experience As A Customer To Better Serve Your Customers Understanding Angry Customers by Robert Bacal You probably see hostile customers every day. You know, the ones that treat you like a personal dumping ground for everything that has ever gone wrong in their lives?…

Defusing Hostile Customers Workbook Example Exercises

Examples of the Exercises Included in the Defusing Hostile Customers Workbook The Defusing Hostile Customers Workbook can be used with or without doing the exercises contained in it, but it’s best to take the time to do them. Each chapter has a set of exercises, and space to…

Will taxpayers be willing to pay more to get better service from government?

Government customer service shouldn’t be like that in the private sector, unless you want higher taxes. Will taxpayers be willing to pay more to get better service from government? Q: In our previous interview on Obama’s new customer service initiative, you were rather pessimistic about…

The Challenges Government Faces in Delivering Customer Service – Never Ending Customer Svce Interviews

Governments should NOT pretend that the citizenry is their customer base. The Challenges Government Faces in Delivering Customer Service Q: Recently, you participated in an online chat on how governments can improve customer service to citizenry. First question, is customer service an impossibility where government…

Obama’s Call For Improved Government Customer Service – A Fool’s Quest

Improving Customer Service For Government Q: Recently President Obama announced an initiative to improve the customer service offered to the taxpayers and citizens of the USA and asked that government departments submit their plans to achieve that end. What’s your take on it? Robert: On…