What is Customer Relationship Management Conceptually?

Understanding CRM conceptually is important to make effective use of its various tools What is Customer Relationship Management Conceptually? CRM (Customer Relationship Management) has grown to the point where almost anything can be considered part of managing the customer experience, since the customer experience is…

What is Customer Relationship Management Software?

What is Customer Relationship Management Software? Customer relationship management software has come to refer to software, usually large in scope, that is used to manage many aspects connected with the customer experience. CRM software can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and include a huge…

What Is Segmentation? (CRM help)

Segmentation and Understanding Your Customers What Is Segmentation? Segmentation is an analytic process that involves grouping your customers into categories or market segments to understand your customer base (current and potential), and to assess the value of various segments to your business. With the ability…

Is Customer Relationship Management Right for your Small to Mid-sized Business (CRM not just for the big boys)

Is Customer Relationship Management Right for your Small to Mid-sized Business By Jason Baselice Editor’s Note: The basic concepts behind customer relationship management aren’t new, and they apply to any business large or small, even though CRM is often associated with huge software implementations in…

What Purposes Are Associated With Customer Relationship Management (CRM). What Is It For?

…but what is CRM for? What Purposes Are Associated With Customer Relationship Management (CRM). What Is It For? What Are It’s Functions? Customer Relationship Management has come to mean so many things, and to be such a huge elephant definition-wise, that almost anything that ultimately…

What Is Collaborative Filtering? (CRM Help)

It’s CRM jargon, but it really means customizing offers and or service based on what you know about your individual customer What Is Collaborative Filtering? Collaborative filtering is a process that allows companies to customize offers, products and services offered to customers based on their…

The History of CRM — Moving Beyond the Customer Database

The brief history of customer relationship management – more than just basic data By Lucy P. Roberts Summary: It might help users of CRM to understand its origins and development over time, and some of the changes that have occurred in terms of customer relationship management software, technology…

CRM 101: Customer Relationship Management for Beginners (free CRM advice)

Customer relationship management for beginners By Scottie  Hawksworth Summary: In this brief article, Customer Relationship Management, often abbreviated as CRM is explained in straight-forward terms, and includes how CRM works, and its benefits. Customer Relationship Management, abbreviated “CRM,” is the term for  a business strategy that is designed…