Survey Based Research On Customer Behavior and Use of Social Media Often Very Misleading

The really bad news about the “research” that informs us about the value of customer service and consumer behavior. Survey Based Research On Customer Behavior and Use of Social Media Often Very Misleading Q: You’ve commented that you believe the use of surveys in both…

Nonsense Numbers: $75 Billion Lost Due To Poor Customer Service….But Where Does It Go?

In an article entitled Businesses Lose $75 Billion Due To Poor Customer Service, appearing in Forbes and dated May 17, 2018, customer service “expert” Shep Hyken explains: NewVoiceMedia’s 2018 “Serial Switchers” report reveals that poor customer service is costing businesses more than $75 billion a year. That’s…

Why The Research Is Wrong On Customers Paying For Better Service

Why The Customer Service Research Gets It Wrong: …continued from here The Over-Generalization Problem Before we look at the evidence that supports or disconfirms the survey research on this subject, we have to address a central problem. If you look at the quotes at the…

Dumbed Down Advice From Dumb Customer Service Experts

How Our Dumbed Down “Understanding” Of Customers Destroys Good Service By Robert Bacal You’d think it would be easy to determine what customers want. Just ask them. Or, watch them behave. There aren’t any other options. If businesses could get actionable and accurate information this…

How Customer Service Research Results Get Distorted

Radical Customer Service – How Research Gets Skewed By The Time It Gets To You Tracking The Path Of Customer Service “Research” Findings …previous section We might think of customer research dissemination, or spread as using a long long pipeline. At various places along that…

Customer Service Research Falls Short Of Real Science

Radical Customer Service – Research Issues How We Know Things Using The Scientific Method And How Most Customer Service Research Is Unreliable And Misleading …previous section In this article, we’ll look at how scientific research is supposed to work and why most customer service falls…

Bad Research, Bad Customer Service Everywhere

Radical Customer Service What You Absolutely Need To Know About Customer Service Research So You Won’t Make Bad, Costly Decisions There’s a huge and lucrative research industry that examines customer and consumer behavior. There are probably several hundred companies that do this kind of research,…

Radical Customer Service: Eleven Pillars

Radical Customer Service: Winning The Customer Service Wars Eleven Pillars Of Radical Customer Service So long as you do what everyone is doing in customer service, you have no chance at using customer service as a competitive advantage. The basic principle behind radical customer service is…

When WILL Customers Pay More For Better Service (It’s Rare)

The Exceptions: When DO Customers Pay More For Customer Service? Go back to previous secton: Customers refuse to pay more for service As with most myths, there’s a kernel of truth to the idea that customers do pay more for customer service, sometimes, under some…