Customer Service Training is For Managers Too

By Bill Hogg Editor’s Note: Since I’ve done hundreds of customer service related training sessions, the importance of having managers involved and attending has jumped out at me. There are so many reasons for this. First, managers play critical roles in setting the tone for…

How to Measure Customer Satisfaction using internal data

By Murali Chemuturi Editor’s note: One problem with metrics is it tends to be difficult and/or expensive to meaningfully measure important things relevant to business, but easier to measure things that are related to variables, that are only indirect indicators of what we are interested…

Customer Satisfaction Yes – But Sometimes You Just Have to Fire One!

By Jim Masson Editor’s Note: With so much talk about how important customer service, is (and it is) and how businesses should bend over backwards to please even the most difficult customers, it’s refeshing to see someone writing about firing customers who simply are not…

Is Your CRM (Customer Relationship Management) System Doomed To Fail?

Set yourself up to avoid messing up your customer relationship management system with these tips By Perry Norgarb Summary: No technology is foolproof and faulty implementation can impair even the best of ideas. Here’s a take on some of the factors that can degrade the effectiveness of…

Customer Service About Showing The Possible, Not Just What’s Wanted

Giving Customers “What They Want” Isn’t The Ultimate Path To Winning The Customer Service Wars Customer Service: Show Them What’s Possible By Paul du Toit Editor’s Comment: I really like this article, which goes beyond the usual “mom and apple pie” stuff that promoters pass off…