A Typical Day – Why Technology is Worsening Both Customer Service and Customer Experience

A Typical Day – Why Technology is Worsening Both Customer Service and Customer Experience In my short article entitled Has technology improved the customer experience in most companies? I put forth a number of reasons why technology is making customer service and customer experience worse….

The “New Age of Customer Service” – Getting It Right About Twitter, and Customer Complaints

The “New Age of Customer Service” – Getting It Right About Twitter, and Customer Complaints In an article entitled Wired and dangerous: The new paradigm of customer service, reporter Lisa Earle McLeod uses the famous David Carrol guitar incident to express her concerns about what…

Why Companies Don’t and Won’t Improve Customer Service And The Reason Is Pretty Rational

Why Companies Don’t and Won’t Improve Customer Service There’s a great cacophony of nonsense about a lot of things related to customer service particular by self-proclaimed experts with large followings on Twitter. While these folks are good at self-promotion one has to wonder what qualifies…

Technology Fails To Improve Customer Service

Human beings are wired for face-to-face and voice communication Has Technology “Hit The Wall” In Improving Customer Experience and Customer Service? In the last few months, conversation about chat bots (“intelligent machines that emulate human conversation) have entered the news. It’s amazing that computers can…

Complex Systems The Source of Majority of Customer Service Failures – Part I by Robert Bacal

Complex Systems The Source of Majority of Customer Service Failures – Part I by Robert Bacal Why IS customer service so poor. Survey data, for what that’s worth, shows customers feel that it’s getting worse. Who should we blame? Here’s the customer service team for…

Sustainable Customer Service, Sustainable Customer Service- It’s About Balance

Rethinking Customer Service Quality Customer Service, Sustainable Customer Service- It’s About Balance Sustainability is an important concept for our current world, but it applies to things other than environmental concerns. Sustainability refers to an approach that considers the ability of a product or process to…

Seven Reasons Why Social Media Negatively Affects Customer Service and The Customer Experience

Eight Reasons Why Social Media Negatively Affects Customer Service and The Customer Experience There’s been so much buzz about how social media (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn) are improving customer service and the customer experience, but is that true? While there is anecdotal evidence that social media…

9 Reasons Why Large Companies Should NOT Rely on Social Media As A Customer Service Tool – Rethinking Customer Service

Rethinking Customer Service 9 Reasons Why Large Companies Should NOT Rely on Social Media As A Customer Service Tool Customer service continues to go in the wrong direction, and the degradation of customer service is moving at incredible speed. Fueled by a number of myths and…