Has technology improved the customer experience in most companies?

Has voice mail, phone trees, email and other technologies improved YOUR experience as a customer? Has technology improved the customer experience in most companies? The quality of customer service is determined by many factors. Technology (voice mail, computer based data gathering, etc), unfortunately, has been…

What is “System Thinking” and How Is It Germaine To Customer Service?

If you don”t  “think systems”, you can’t reach the pinnacle of customer service excellence What is “System Thinking” and How Is It Germane To Customer Service? If your goal is to improve customer service, you need to have the mental tools to analyze and understand…

What Are Positive Surprises and What Is There Effect On Customer Service Quality?

Positive surprises are important, but not as important as avoiding surprising disappointment What Are Positive Surprises and What Is There Effect On Customer Service Quality? Positive surprises are things that you may do that go above and beyond the customer’s hopes and expectations (going to…

How do I successfully start off interactions with customers

How an interaction starts often determines how it goes and how it ends, which makes starting off conversations an important customer service skill How do I successfully start off interactions with customers? Starting off on the right foot isn’t just an empty saying when it…

How MUST Social Media Evolve To Be Effective As a Customer Service Tool? (Part 1)

As it exists now, social media is a limited tool in the quest for better customer service. What must change? How MUST Social Media Evolve To Be Effective As a Customer Service Tool? I’m starting from the end of the progression, since this is clearly…

Will Social Media Customer Service Replace Other Forms of Delivery?

One of the huge business flaws of social media as a customer service solution is that it does not result in closing other channels, so it’s an extra COST Will Social Media Customer Service Replace Other Forms of Delivery? As of this writing, social media…

Should My Company Use Twitter For Customer Service?

Twitter is just about the WORST way to interact with customers. Should My Company Use Twitter For Customer Service? There isn’t an easy answer to the question, but if you want one in a nutshell, here it is: If your sole purpose in using Twitter…

Will Social Media Revolutionize Customer Service, As Many “Experts” Suggest?

The only revolution here is that social media makes customer service more complicated, more prone to error, and adds up to more frustration for customers Will Social Media Revolutionize Customer Service, As Many “Experts” Suggest? The answer to that question might be that it depends…

Why Is Twitter A One-Way Broadcast Medium?

Twitter as a broadcast, one way medium What Are The Implications Of People Using Twitter As A Broadcast One-Way Medium? ALL of the research suggests that contrary to all the expert advice on Twitter, companies and individuals use Twitter as a one-way communication method; in…

Does Social Media Increase Online Sales?

Social media is a better marketing platform than a customer service platform, but it’s still hard to separate sales directly attributable to social media Does Social Media Increase Online Sales? I’ve been saying for over two years that social media has been overhyped in almost…