The Sham (and Shame) Of CSI – Customer Satisfaction Index(es)

The Sham (and Shame) Of CSI – Customer Satisfaction Index(es) By Bill Kaye Editor’s Note: Businesses often rely on data gathering techniques, often faulty, to evaluate the satisfaction levels of their customers. Unfortunately, it’s often garbage in, garbage out, and since it’s hard, and expensive to…

Business to Business Customer Satisfaction Surveys (Expert customer service advice)

The many ways customer satisfaction surveys end up as Garbage In, Garbage Out (GIGO) and how to avoid these problems Business to Business Customer Satisfaction Surveys By John Coldwell Summary: Great source for learning how to conduct customer satisfaction surveys. Written to help people collect customer…

Customer Service and The Human Experience

By Rosanne D’ausilio Summary: So much interaction with customers is over the phone, internet, via faxes and other technology, but the bottom line is never going to change. Customer service involves providing a positive HUMAN experience for customers. Historically, customer service was delivered over the phone or in…

How to Restore Customer Satisfaction after Customer Service Failure

By Brian Backer A customer service failure, simply defined, is customer service performance that fails to meet an individual’s expectations. Typically, when a service failure occurs, a customer will expect to be compensated for the inconvenience in the form of any combination of refunds, credits,…

Help with Customer Satisfaction Within the Service Business

By Jennifer Cram Summary: Customer satisfaction within the service industry is critical, particularly because it’s difficult to compete on price, and it is exceedingly costly to replace an unsatisfied customer. Here are some critical points on assessing customer satisfaction, collecting data, and making sense of what you get. The…

Making Customer Satisfaction Surveys Work (customer service advice)

By Martin Day Why bother? Good customer service is the life blood of any business. Although new customers are important good customer service will help generate customer loyalty and repeat business. With each satisfied customer your business is likely to win many more customers through recommendations and remember, if…

Customer Satisfaction Yes – But Sometimes You Just Have to Fire One!

By Jim Masson Editor’s Note: With so much talk about how important customer service, is (and it is) and how businesses should bend over backwards to please even the most difficult customers, it’s refeshing to see someone writing about firing customers who simply are not…

You Know Less Than You Think About Your Customers

We Know Much Less About Customer Behavior Than You Think Why It’s So Hard To “Understand Customers” You’d think it would be easy to determine what customers want. Just ask them. Or, better yet, observe their behavior.. There really aren’t any other options. If businesses…