Social Customer Service: Customers Don’t Care

What About Other Social Media Platforms? How Are THEY USED, and What Are The implications For Customer Service? …continued from Who Stole Social From Social Media There are all kinds of other social media platforms out ranging from those that are picture oriented (Pinterest), video…

If A Tweet Falls In The Forest, Does Anybody Hear

Social Media Posts Are Whisps In The Wind, and Have Much Less Influence Than Most Think Click here to go back to how social media experts are getting social media wrong and misunderstand how people use it. A Tweet/Update Falls In The Forest, Does Anybody…

Social media experts confuse capability vs. use, and it costs big time

Where The Customer Service And Social Media Experts Got It Wrong For the introduction to the topic of social media and customer service, and how it’s not “delivered”, click here. The Fundamental Problem: Capability Versus Actual Use When new “things” emerge, particularly new technologies emerge,…

Customer Service & Social Media A Terrible Mix For Customers

The Illusions Of Social Media As An Effective Customer Service Tool Social media is approached by companies in what can be best characterized as a schizoid, (split personality) way. On one hand with BILLION of people with accounts on Facebook and Twitter, not to mention…