Business to Business Customer Satisfaction Surveys (Expert customer service advice)

The many ways customer satisfaction surveys end up as Garbage In, Garbage Out (GIGO) and how to avoid these problems Business to Business Customer Satisfaction Surveys By John Coldwell Summary: Great source for learning how to conduct customer satisfaction surveys. Written to help people collect customer…

Database of 280 survey items for business to business customer satisfaction

B2B Customer Satisfaction Surveys – What Questions Should I Use? By John Coldwell Comment: If you are looking for questions to include on a customer satisfaction survey for your business to business customers (B2B), you’ve found the motherlode. Below you’ll find almost 300 items you can…

Nonsense Numbers: $75 Billion Lost Due To Poor Customer Service….But Where Does It Go?

In an article entitled Businesses Lose $75 Billion Due To Poor Customer Service, appearing in Forbes and dated May 17, 2018, customer service “expert” Shep Hyken explains: NewVoiceMedia’s 2018 “Serial Switchers” report reveals that poor customer service is costing businesses more than $75 billion a year. That’s…