What’s Inside Perfect Phrases for Customer Service (Part 1)

Perfect Phrases For Customer Service Table of Contents

Due for release in late 2004, Perfect Phrases For Customer Service (McGraw-Hill) is a unique and simple method to learn how to deal with standard and difficult customer service situations. For your information, we have compiled a Table of Contents for the book. Please note that book information is for the first edition, which has since been improved in the second edition (2010).
To view the second part of the Table of Contents for Perfect Phrases For Customer Service, which contains an outline of the customer service situations that are handled in depth, clickhere. To go back to the main page for this book click here.

About the Author

Chapter 1. Basics of Customer Service

What’s in It for Me?

Different Kinds of Customers

First Things First-Dispelling an Important  Customer Service Myth

Understanding What Customers Want

About This Book

Chapter 2. Customer Service Tools and Techniques

Chapter Two presents dozens of very specific customer service tools and techniques that can be used in a wide variety of customer service situations.

Listing of Customer Service Skills

Above and Beyond The Call of Duty

Acknowledge Customer’s Needs

Acknowledging Without Encouraging

Active Listening

Admitting Mistakes

Allowing Venting


Appropriate Non-verbals

Appropriate Smiles

Arranging Follow-Up

Assurances of Effort

Assurances of Results

Audience Removal

Bonus Buyoff

Broken Record

Closing Interactions Positively

Common Courtesy

Completing Follow-up

Contact Security/Authorities/Management



Empathy Statements


Expert Recommendations

Explain Reasoning or Actions

Face-Saving Out

Finding Agreement Points

Finishing Off/Following Up

Isolate/Detach Customer


Managing Height Differentials/Non-verbals

Managing Interpersonal Distance

Not Taking the Bait

Offering Choices/Empowering

Plain Language

Preemptive Strike

Privacy and Confidentiality

Probing Questions

Pros and Cons

Providing a Customer Takeaway

Providing Alternatives

Providing Explanations

Questioning Instead of Stating

Referral to Supervisor

Referral to Third Party


Setting Limits

Some People Think That (Neutral Mode)

Stop Sign-Nonverbal

Suggest an Alternative to Waiting

Summarize the Conversation

Telephone Silence



Author: Robert Bacal

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