Is Angry and Hostile Customer Behavior A Result of Their Personalities

Everyone acts badly on occasion, and the majority of your angry customers are probably just like you: normal people who get frustrated Is Angry and Hostile Customer Behavior A Result of Their Personalities? Think about some the difficult customers you have encountered.. What did they…

Handling Customer Requests for “An Exception”

Refusing A Customer Request For You To Make An Exception Customers are always asking for exceptions, since they feel their circumstances are somehow special. The “Can’t you do this just this once” request is one that can be annoying to you, because it’s either whining,…

What Is The Escalation Cycle, and How Does It Apply To Angry Customers?

Understanding how anger escalates can tell us a lot about how to prevent escalation and start defusing What Is The Escalation Cycle, and How Does It Apply To Angry Customers? Getting caught in the escalation cycle with a customer is one of the worst things…

What is the “Distraction Technique”

A way of encouraging angry customers to “let go” of their anger and work to solve the problem What Is The “Distraction Technique” and What Is It Used For? The Distraction Technique is one of a family of verbal self defense techniques we teach readers…

What do angry customers really want from me?

Many times, customers want to be heard and treated as important even if you can’t solve their concern   What do angry customers really want from me? Sometimes it seems that it’s impossible to figure out what an angry customer really wants from you and…

Why are some customers so darned difficult and rude?

Civility seems to be dying out, particularly when customers get frustrated at not getting what they want, when they want Why are some customers so darned difficult and rude? It’s understandable that customer service providers often ask this question: Why do customers act so rudely…

Why do angry customers pick on me, when I don’t make the rules?

It’s not fair, but it’s reality. Customers blame you because you are handy, even if you aren’t doing anything blame worthy Why do angry customers pick on me, when I don’t make the rules? It’s very frustrating to encounter customers who aim their anger and…