Referring Customers Properly – A Customer Service Skill

Referring Customers – An Important Part of Customer Service by Robert Bacal When customers are referred to other members within an organization, they can feel frustrated and perhaps even become hostile if they feel they are getting the “run around”. Read on for some great tips on…

The “New Age of Customer Service” – Getting It Right About Twitter, and Customer Complaints

The “New Age of Customer Service” – Getting It Right About Twitter, and Customer Complaints In an article entitled Wired and dangerous: The new paradigm of customer service, reporter Lisa Earle McLeod uses the famous David Carrol guitar incident to express her concerns about what…

Understanding Angry Customers

Use YOUR Experience As A Customer To Better Serve Your Customers Understanding Angry Customers by Robert Bacal You probably see hostile customers every day. You know, the ones that treat you like a personal dumping ground for everything that has ever gone wrong in their lives?…

Difficult Customers and Getting the Right Mind set

The Mental Game Of Dealing With Difficult Customers Customer File – Success With Difficult Customers – The Mind Set by Robert Bacal We all have to deal with difficult, angry or even manipulative customers. The process is usually infuriating, frustrating and time consuming. While it often seems…

How do I successfully start off interactions with customers

How an interaction starts often determines how it goes and how it ends, which makes starting off conversations an important customer service skill How do I successfully start off interactions with customers? Starting off on the right foot isn’t just an empty saying when it…

What Types of Customer Service Situations Should Employees Be Trained in and Prepared For?

A list of possible customer situations customer service resps should be taught to deal with What Types of Customer Service Situations Should Employees Be Trained in and Prepared For? Customer service representatives need to be able to deal with both routine and non-routine customer service…

I Keep Trying To Find The Ultimate Put-Down For Rude Customers. Is There One?

Don’t be stupid. There is no “ultimate put down” for rude customers and you always lose I Keep Trying To Find The Ultimate Put-Down For Rude Customers. Is There One? First, to answer the question, no there isn’t one. Second, while the desire to retaliate…

When A Customer Wants A Better Price?

Customers Who Try to Wrangle A Better Price How To Handle The Customer Who Says: “I can get this cheaper at [competitor]”? Customers often try to get a better deal by claiming that they can get the same product at a competitor’s shop for a…

Dealing with the know it all customer

Handling The Know It All Customer Learn How To Deal With The Know It All Customer Every once in a while you’ll come across a customer who thinks, rightly or wrongly, that s/he knows more about something than you do, and is intent on “proving…