I Keep Trying To Find The Ultimate Put-Down For Rude Customers. Is There One?

Don’t be stupid. There is no “ultimate put down” for rude customers and you always lose

I Keep Trying To Find The Ultimate Put-Down For Rude Customers. Is There One?

First, to answer the question, no there isn’t one. Second, while the desire to retaliate when someone is rude to us, is both normal and destructive, not to mention childish. In our books on dealing with difficult customers, we explain that often the anger of the customer comes from the “child place”, which is where we tend to go when upset. Responding with a put-down means you end up in the same “child place”, and you’ll just keep the argument going in a destructive way, with both parties getting more and more childish.

It’s a bad idea. It will make you more upset (the putdown notion is a fantasy anyway), and you’re just asking for trouble.

Author: Robert Bacal

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