Why are some customers so darned difficult and rude?

Civility seems to be dying out, particularly when customers get frustrated at not getting what they want, when they want Why are some customers so darned difficult and rude? It’s understandable that customer service providers often ask this question: Why do customers act so rudely…

Why do angry customers pick on me, when I don’t make the rules?

It’s not fair, but it’s reality. Customers blame you because you are handy, even if you aren’t doing anything blame worthy Why do angry customers pick on me, when I don’t make the rules? It’s very frustrating to encounter customers who aim their anger and…

How do I use the “We Technique” to send a message I’m working with the difficult customer?

When your customer believes you are on the same side, the amount of abuse drops to almost nothing How do I use the “We Technique” to send a message I’m working with the difficult customer? Dealing with abusive or difficult customers involves using a number…

I deal with angry customers on the phone. How can I get them to stop talking at me, and start listening?

How to get a customer who is on the phone, and angry, to stop and listen so you can help I deal with angry customers on the phone. How can I get them to stop talking at me, and start listening? If you deal with…

How can I use surprise as a way to stop an angry or abusive customer from talking at me?

Surprising behavior stops the other person from running on an abusive auto pilot by pushing him or her to THINK! How can I use surprise as a way to stop an angry or abusive customer from talking at me? One of the biggest challenges in…

Why is self-control so important when dealing with difficult customers?

Lose control over your own emotions and everyone ends up losing. Why is self-control so important when dealing with difficult customers? When you have anger or aggressiveness directed at you, there’s a natural tendency to respond to the angry customer with your own anger, aggression…

How can I continue to improve my ability to deal with difficult, aggressive, and insulting customers?

Continuous improvement means learning from our defusing mistakes and successes How can I continue to improve my ability to deal with difficult, aggressive, and insulting customers? Even if you use our Defusing Hostile Customers Workbook, or attend a seminar on the topic of dealing with…

What are “hot words” and “hot phrases”, and why should I avoid them with customers?

Hot phrases almost automatically cause a negative emotional reaction from the other person What are “hot words” and “hot phrases”, and why should I avoid them with customers? Hot words and hot phrases are words and phrases that tend to provoke emotional reactions in other…

What techniques, hints, and advice can I use to maintain my cool and self-control when dealing with an obnoxious customer?

Some methods to keep your cool even with the most annoying customers What techniques, hints, and advice can I use to maintain my cool and self-control when dealing with an obnoxious customer? It’s not easy to maintain self-control when faced with an obnoxious, difficult or…

What Is “disengaging from angry customer”, and what is it used for?

Disengaging with a customer provides you with breathing space and time for both people to calm down and focus on solving a problem What Is “disengaging from angry customer”, and what is it used for? An angry person tend to to act or think as…