How do I use the “We Technique” to send a message I’m working with the difficult customer?

When your customer believes you are on the same side, the amount of abuse drops to almost nothing

How do I use the “We Technique” to send a message I’m working with the difficult customer?

Dealing with abusive or difficult customers involves using a number of techniques, many of which are small, and easy to use. What you want to do is send a message that you are working with the customer, and not working against the customer. When the customer sees you as being on the same side, the customer is less likely to be aggressive or obnoxious, and tends to be more cooperative.

The “WE Technique” is a simple verbal tip to help convey this message. In The Defusing Hostile Customers Workbook, Robert Bacal puts it this way:

Something you want to do is give the impression that you are working WITH the client, not against them. You may find that replacing the words “you” and “I” with WE can give the impression you are on the same side as the client. Read about some basic rules for the use of we.

Be careful not to use We in a conversation. Pick your spots so the use of We makes sense. For example, it is nonsensical to say to someone “well, Sir, we need to fill out our forms before they can be processed”. This sounds patronizing, and sounds like we are speaking to a child. But if a customer calls, or comes in complaining that you have incorrect information about them, it may be appropriate to say: “I guess we’d better take a look at that” or “Let’s see what we can do about that”.

Author: Robert Bacal

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