What are possible consequences if I lose my cool and lose self-control with an angry customer?

What are possible consequences if I lose my cool and lose self-control with an angry customer? Losing Your Temper With A Customer Means YOU Will Pay The Price and Be Blamed When you “lose your cool” when dealing with an angry or rude customer (we…

What is the CARP system for defusing angry and difficult customers?

CARP reminds us that timing is important when dealing with any upset or angry individual What is the CARP system for defusing angry and difficult customers? The CARP acronym was developed by Robert Bacal to help people in customer service jobs to sequence and time…

Can you suggest a way to start off conversations with customers, difficult, angry or otherwise?

How you start a customer conversation often dictates how well it goes Can you suggest a way to start off conversations with customers, difficult, angry or otherwise? How you begin an interaction with a customer often determines whether the conversation deteriorates into an unpleasant situation…

What is “removing the audience” and why is it important with angry or manipulative customers?

Bystanders, other customers can fuel an angry person’s anger in customer situations What is “removing the audience” and why is it important with angry or manipulative customers? Some customers have a tendency to play to an audience. For example, in a bank, an irate customer…

Can you summarize the most important principles I should apply when dealing with angry or abusive customers?

Twelve Defusing Angry Customers Principles Summarized Can you summarize the most important principles I should apply when dealing with angry or abusive customers? In the Defusing Hostile Customers Workbook, and our seminars, we explain there are twelve important principles customer service staff should apply when…

Is there proven measurable benefit to using social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter for customer service?

The “benefit” to using social media for customer service is that it imposes an additional barrier for customers to get in touch with companies when they need help Is there proven measurable benefit to using social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter for customer service?…