How to test for unintended consequences of management decisions

How to validate management decisions to avoid the pain of unintended consequences A Simple Method To Look For Unintended Customer Service Consequences Before They Become Damaging In our FAQ on how management decisions can create huge barriers — unintended consequences — to the delivery of…

The Great American Customer Service Unawareness Campaign (free customer service advice)

By Tim Knox Summary: In this entertaining article, the author deals with the issue of whether “the customer is always right” and explains, in a gentle way why entrepreneurs need to pay a lot of attention to customer service quality. Q: I’m so sick of you so-called…

Identity Theft is a Major Problem: Whose Responsibility is It to Protect the Consumer? (Expert Advice)

By Cindy Schroeter Graham Summary (Ed.): Perhaps due to the reliance on technology, customer information, confidential records, and other financial and personal information need to be protected to prevent criminals from using that information to commit crimes or fraud. Who’s responsibility is it? Consumers can only do so much, and…

Profit from a Customer Service Recovery Program (Expert Advice)

By John Madden Summary: How you and your staff handle complaints is absolutely crucial to delivering, and being seen as delivering top quality service to your customers. That’s because customers pay special attention to how their concerns and complaints are dealt with. Learn more about how to…

Customer Service and The Human Experience

By Rosanne D’ausilio Summary: So much interaction with customers is over the phone, internet, via faxes and other technology, but the bottom line is never going to change. Customer service involves providing a positive HUMAN experience for customers. Historically, customer service was delivered over the phone or in…

Improve your service by focusing on employees, not customers

It may seem counter-intuitive to focus on your employees if you want to improve your customer service. Make Your Customer Number Two By Michael Donell Brown Comment: The customer service experts talk about making companies “customer-centric”, or “the customer should be the number one priority”. This…

Customer Service About Showing The Possible, Not Just What’s Wanted

Giving Customers “What They Want” Isn’t The Ultimate Path To Winning The Customer Service Wars Customer Service: Show Them What’s Possible By Paul du Toit Editor’s Comment: I really like this article, which goes beyond the usual “mom and apple pie” stuff that promoters pass off…