Why Are Consistency, Reliability and Predictability So Important In Customer Service?

There are much more important elements in customer service than creating delight and wowing the customer Why Are Consistency, Reliability and Predictability So Important In Customer Service? Customers want and need a sense that the service they receive will be excellent each and every time…

Do Customers Put Up With Poor Customer Service, and If So, Why?

Customers do nothing in the face of poor service, which is why we have so much of it Do Customers Put Up With Poor Customer Service, and If So, Why? This is one of the most misunderstood aspects of customer behavior, that leads companies to…

PRICE vs customer service? Is one more important?

Price is often denigrated as an important determinant of where people shop. And that’s wrong. Price and Customer Wants and Needs: Where Does It Fit? If you read the survey research on customer desires, you’ll find that often, price is towards the middle of bottom…

What Is The Customer Expectation Paradox?

What Is “The Customer Expectation Paradox?” The “Customer Expectation Paradox” has to do with the difference between what customers WANT, and what they have learned they are going to receive from the companies they do business with. It goes like this: While customers want more…

Gap Model Of Customer Satisfaction Oversimplified

GAP Model of Customer Satisfaction Too Simple To Be Useful The Gap Model Of Customer Satisfaction At least in theory, customer satisfaction levels are important for their assumed ties to customer retention, profit, and so on, although those relationships are rather complex. Also companies don’t…

Do customers have higher customer service expectations now as compared to twenty years ago?

Is there really any way of knowing whether customers have become more demanding? Do customers have higher customer service expectations now as compared to twenty years ago? There is little doubt that customers WANT more from the companies and company employees they deal with, than…

In a nutshell, what do customers want, and what is “good customer service” for them?

Customers don’t want just ONE thing, but we can have an almost flawless view of what’s important to the vast majority In a nutshell, what do customers want, and what is “good customer service” for them? If you want customers to perceive that you are…

Convenience Trumps Price, Customer Service When It Comes To Consumer Choices

Convenience is THE most important factor that affects many buying decisions Convenience IS The Most Powerful Element Determining Consumer Choice Where does convenience fit in the hierarchy of factors that determine consumer behavior? One issues I’ve talked about in the past is that we in…