What do angry customers really want from me?

Many times, customers want to be heard and treated as important even if you can’t solve their concern   What do angry customers really want from me? Sometimes it seems that it’s impossible to figure out what an angry customer really wants from you and…

Why are some customers so darned difficult and rude?

Civility seems to be dying out, particularly when customers get frustrated at not getting what they want, when they want Why are some customers so darned difficult and rude? It’s understandable that customer service providers often ask this question: Why do customers act so rudely…

I deal with angry customers on the phone. How can I get them to stop talking at me, and start listening?

How to get a customer who is on the phone, and angry, to stop and listen so you can help I deal with angry customers on the phone. How can I get them to stop talking at me, and start listening? If you deal with…

How can I use surprise as a way to stop an angry or abusive customer from talking at me?

Surprising behavior stops the other person from running on an abusive auto pilot by pushing him or her to THINK! How can I use surprise as a way to stop an angry or abusive customer from talking at me? One of the biggest challenges in…

What are “hot words” and “hot phrases”, and why should I avoid them with customers?

Hot phrases almost automatically cause a negative emotional reaction from the other person What are “hot words” and “hot phrases”, and why should I avoid them with customers? Hot words and hot phrases are words and phrases that tend to provoke emotional reactions in other…

Understanding the Psychology of Angry Customers

Understanding The Psychology of Customer Anger In this video of about six minutes, the subject of angry customers is approached by 1) helping you understand the psychology of customer anger and 2) providing specific suggestions about what you might do to handle customer anger more…

How Confused Are We About Customer Behavior?

Factors That Confuse Businesses’ Understanding Of Customer Service And What Customers Want previous page on the difficulties of understand customers Another Problem: Effects Of Customer Service Probably Long Term, Not Short Term Another reason why it’s difficult to determine both what customers “want”, and how…

Social Customer Service: Customers Don’t Care

What About Other Social Media Platforms? How Are THEY USED, and What Are The implications For Customer Service? …continued from Who Stole Social From Social Media There are all kinds of other social media platforms out ranging from those that are picture oriented (Pinterest), video…

Why The Research Is Wrong On Customers Paying For Better Service

Why The Customer Service Research Gets It Wrong: …continued from here The Over-Generalization Problem Before we look at the evidence that supports or disconfirms the survey research on this subject, we have to address a central problem. If you look at the quotes at the…