9 Reasons Why Large Companies Should NOT Rely on Social Media As A Customer Service Tool – Rethinking Customer Service

Rethinking Customer Service 9 Reasons Why Large Companies Should NOT Rely on Social Media As A Customer Service Tool Customer service continues to go in the wrong direction, and the degradation of customer service is moving at incredible speed. Fueled by a number of myths and…

Keynote: A Vision of Customer Service For THIS Millennium

Keynote: A Vision of Customer Service For THIS Millennium November 11 is a day to remember and honor those who fought for our freedoms and quality of life, and as such it’s a solemn day, and one that often provokes reflective thinking about our values,…

What Does “Scaling” Mean and Why Do I Need To Understand It?

Scalability or lack thereof is at the core of all customer service issues, for both companies and customers. If it doesn’t scale, it’s not cost effective. Sadly scalable solutions are usually non-human and of low quality for customers What Does “Scaling” Mean and Why Do…

How are companies trying to use social media platforms to improve customer service?

Trying to use social media doesn’t mean  companies are succeeding at improving customer service via social media How are companies trying to use social media platforms to improve customer service? You are probably aware that companies are using social media platforms to try to communicate…

Why Talking About “Respecting The Customer” A BAD Idea

A poor premise on which to base customer service strategies Why Is “Respecting The Customer” A BAD Idea Over and over, I hear customer service “experts” tell people that it’s necessary to “respect your customers” or suffer the consequences. This advice is not only useless,…

Customer Satisfaction Yes – But Sometimes You Just Have to Fire One!

By Jim Masson Editor’s Note: With so much talk about how important customer service, is (and it is) and how businesses should bend over backwards to please even the most difficult customers, it’s refeshing to see someone writing about firing customers who simply are not…

Customer Service About Showing The Possible, Not Just What’s Wanted

Giving Customers “What They Want” Isn’t The Ultimate Path To Winning The Customer Service Wars Customer Service: Show Them What’s Possible By Paul du Toit Editor’s Comment: I really like this article, which goes beyond the usual “mom and apple pie” stuff that promoters pass off…

The Three Different Worlds of Customer Service Perceptions – The Twain Shall Never Meet

The Three Different Worlds of Customer Service Perceptions – The Twain Shall Never Meet – Never Ending Customer Service Interview Q: When I read online accounts of both poor and good customer service, I’m amazed at the diversity of views. It’s almost like people come…