Johnny the Bagger: A True Story of Customer Service Video Preview

Johnny The Bagger Video

Editor’s Note: It appears that the original video preview available via YouTube is no longer available, and vendors are requiring logins on their sites to view the preview. Since this is a popular page on our website, we’ve found a substitute video.

Johnny the Bagger is a popular video useful for individual or group training in customer service. It comes highly recommended, and this video excerpt is 17 minutes long, and is obviously promotional in nature, but the excerpt itself is valuable and inspirational.

Johnny the Bagger: A True Story of Customer Service, celebrates the incomparable power of customer service delivered from the heart. Based … all ยป on the work of noted author and speaker, Barbara Glanz, this 17 minute inspiring new program features the true story of “Johnny,” a young man with Down syndrome who made a positive choice about his personal responsibility to provide from-the-heart service and changed the culture of an entire organization.

Author: Robert Bacal

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