What Is Proactive Use of Social Media For Customer Service

Proactive use of social media means not waiting until you have a complaint to reach out, but involves a lot of monitoring your brand’s mentions

What Is Proactive Use of Social Media For Customer Service?

Proactive customer service means that you don’t wait for a customer to contact you (the company) when he or she has a problem. It means that you monitor the social media discussions, on blogs, Facebook, Twitter and other platforms, and when you see mentions of your brand, you proactively reach out and contact the customer in an attempt to deal with the issue.

If you think about it, monitoring your brand for negative comments is something that’s almost ipossible to do offline. But online, it’s not difficult. There are tools to help, or you can simply use the search utilities or Google to search for mentions of your brand. Then response.

It’s a pretty powerful technique, but for large companies with many mentions, it can be a bit overwhelming, and for very small companies, you’re not likely to get a lot of mentions.

Nevertheless it is one of the very few things that social media offers, in the way of customer service tools, that can actually work.

Author: Robert Bacal

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