What’s In It For Me (the employee) For Delivering Excellent Customer Service?

The big winner in defusing an angry customer is the customer representative!

What’s In It For Me (the employee) For Delivering Excellent Customer Service?

So, you don’t get paid a whole lot, and the working conditions may not be the best, so why bother trying to provide the best customer service you can to the customers you deal with? What’s in it for you?

Even if you don’t have a strong loyalty to the company you work for, there are three good reasons to make the customer service effort – the what’s in in for me part.

First, very few people can derive much job satisfaction when they feel that the time they spend at work is wasted. Most of us need to feel useful and productive, and helping customers can help provide you with some sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. The work day goes faster if you are helping people.

Second, and an even stronger reason, is that learning to deliver quality customer service will save you a lot of stress and hassle. When you learn and use customer service skills, you are far less likely to get into protracted, unpleasant, and upsetting interactions with a customer.

Third, learning and using quality customer service techniques helps form the perceptions of those who may be able to help your career. Good customer service is recognized and often rewarded, either in the near term, but definitely in the long term.

Author: Robert Bacal

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