Gap Model Of Customer Satisfaction Oversimplified

GAP Model of Customer Satisfaction Too Simple To Be Useful The Gap Model Of Customer Satisfaction At least in theory, customer satisfaction levels are important for their assumed ties to customer retention, profit, and so on, although those relationships are rather complex. Also companies don’t…

Fix Your Processes, Not People. Improve Customer Service

Focus On Process, NOT Fixing Your Staff Yields Much Better Service Should Companies Try to Improve Their Service By Getting Better People, or Building Better Processes One of the mistakes companies make is thinking that “if only they could get better staff”, their service levels…

How Does Facebook Make Money, and Why Should I Care

Facebook’s model involves gathering information about you and your customers and “selling” the opportunity to advertise to them to other companies How Does Facebook Make Money, and Why Should I Care? Do you want to have the information about your customers in Facebook’s hands? Are…

3 Approaches To Measuring Customer Experience

Three different metrics approaches to customer experience measurement Measuring The Customer Experience – 3 Ways If the goal is to improve customer experience, then it makes sense to measure it, but it’s not immediately clear how to go about it. In fact there is no…

Do customers have higher customer service expectations now as compared to twenty years ago?

Is there really any way of knowing whether customers have become more demanding? Do customers have higher customer service expectations now as compared to twenty years ago? There is little doubt that customers WANT more from the companies and company employees they deal with, than…

Handling Customer Requests for “An Exception”

Refusing A Customer Request For You To Make An Exception Customers are always asking for exceptions, since they feel their circumstances are somehow special. The “Can’t you do this just this once” request is one that can be annoying to you, because it’s either whining,…

What Are The Most Essential Customer Service Skills?

Compilation of the essential customer service skills every representative should be learning What Are The Most Essential Customer Service Skills? What are the essential customer service skills needed so that employees and customer service representatives can provide excellent customer service? There are a lot more…

What Is The Escalation Cycle, and How Does It Apply To Angry Customers?

Understanding how anger escalates can tell us a lot about how to prevent escalation and start defusing What Is The Escalation Cycle, and How Does It Apply To Angry Customers? Getting caught in the escalation cycle with a customer is one of the worst things…

What’s In It For Me (the employee) For Delivering Excellent Customer Service?

The big winner in defusing an angry customer is the customer representative! What’s In It For Me (the employee) For Delivering Excellent Customer Service? So, you don’t get paid a whole lot, and the working conditions may not be the best, so why bother trying…