Chris Voss Video On The Failures of Companies Using Social Media For Customer Service

Companies Failing At Customer Service and Social Media Video

When it comes to the use of social media to serve customers, we’re surrounded by a lot of hype, and claims that are often not supported. The research on how social media IS ACTUALLY used, strongly suggests that it isn’t working to improve customer service.

That’s not surprising when you realize that combining social media and customer service often ends up costing companies MORE, because social media has to be supported, in addition to existing customer contact points. Companies aren’t stupid. They continue to be concerned about overhead reduction, and and as a result, a high percentage of tweets and Facebook contacts are never answered.

Chris Voss offers training in how to use social media, so it’s not surprising to find that he suggests companies “don’t get it”. It’s easy to blame the companies themselves for poor use and poor implementation, but the way companies USE social media reflects more than “fear”, or ignorance, and suggests that companies DO GET IT, from a business standpoint.

In any event, below is a video of Chris Voss speaking on the subject.

The irony here is that the same comments Voss makes about why social media is not improving customer service can be applied to the way Voss uses video. I suppose we could say he “doesn’t get it”, because this video is basically a terrible use of video — the talking head syndrome. However, if we understand the costs of video production so it’s used properly, we get more insight into the choice Chris made, much the same as if we look at the cost of using social media for customer service.

Author: Robert Bacal

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