Delighting Customers/Exceptional Customer Service Critical? Nope. Myth!

Delighting Customers/Exceptional Customer Service Critical? Nope. Myth! Delighting customers is a path that will only work for less than 2% of companies, or even less depending on niche. You aren’t Zappos. You can’t ever be Zappos, so don’t try. The really uncommon customer service idea…

Disasters Highlight Government and NGO Need To Train Staff To Deal With Frustrated and Emotional Clientele

Natural Disasters Highlight Government and NGO Need To Train Staff To Deal With Frustrated and Emotional Clientele   The overwhelming number of government employees are sympathetic to victims of natural disasters, but let’s not forget that employees are under huge stresses themselves, and need to…

Moving Companies & Airlines – Two Kinds of Businesses Struggling With Customer Service Issues. Why?

Moving Companies & Airlines – Two Kinds of Businesses Struggling With Customer Service Issues. Why? Stephanie Thum is mad. So, mad in fact, that she posted some 10-20 tweets tagged #custserv about her moving company letting her down and delivering terrible customer service. Stephanie is…

Government and Customer Service – An Oxymoron? Why Do People Perceive the Government As Being Poor At Customer Service?

Government and Customer Service – An Oxymoron? Why Do People Perceive the Government As Being Poor At Customer Service? It’s a song as old as the first government. Government is bureaucratic. It doesn’t reward good customer service. Government is full of forms. Government employees don’t…

Why Customer Service Won’t Differentiate Brands In The Market Place. And It’ll Get Less Important In The USA

Customer Service Myths Why Customer Service Won’t Differentiate Brands In The Market Place. And It’ll Get Less Important In The USA Many people, including a good number of business “experts” have suggested that the quality of a company’s customer service will make it “stand out”…