Free Customer Service Book Excerpt – When You Are Late

Perfect Phrases For Customer Service includes sixty tough customer service situations, and how to deal with them. It uses a series of dialogues, and explanations to show you what to do, and when. This is a sample. When You Are Late or Know You Will Be Late THE…

Perfect Phrases For Customer Service Main Page

Overview: Perfect Phrases For Customer Service By Robert Bacal (McGraw-Hill) Learn about an innovative and unique way to learn to improve your customer service skills and those of your colleagues and managers. This is the second edition released in 2010, and it’s even better than the original….

Learn why customers act badly, and the basic customer defusing principles

The Nature of Hostile, & Abusive Behavior Part 2/4 In this chapter, from Defusing Hostile Customers Workbook, we introduce some important definitions, and explain when and how people learn to be verbally aggressive. We also discuss the needs of angry people, and the rules of the abuse game….

What’s Inside Perfect Phrases for Customer Service (Part 1)

Perfect Phrases For Customer Service Table of Contents Due for release in late 2004, Perfect Phrases For Customer Service (McGraw-Hill) is a unique and simple method to learn how to deal with standard and difficult customer service situations. For your information, we have compiled a Table of Contents for…

Where Do You See Customer Service Going This Year (Customer Empowerment) Never ending customer service interviews

Customer empowerment comes ONLY from coordinated unified efforts, which is way it just “ain’t happening”. Where Do You See Customer Service Going This Year (Customer Empowerment) Q: There’s been so much talk about how social media is changing customer service, and in particular a number…

The Three Different Worlds of Customer Service Perceptions – The Twain Shall Never Meet

The Three Different Worlds of Customer Service Perceptions – The Twain Shall Never Meet – Never Ending Customer Service Interview Q: When I read online accounts of both poor and good customer service, I’m amazed at the diversity of views. It’s almost like people come…

Customer Service Has Fallen and Can’t Get Up!

Customer service IS broken and it’s in the interests of companies to keep it broken! Is Customer Service Broken? Q: Robert, do you feel that customer service, generally speaking, is broken? Robert: That may not be the best question to ask, since it’s kind of…

Will taxpayers be willing to pay more to get better service from government?

Government customer service shouldn’t be like that in the private sector, unless you want higher taxes. Will taxpayers be willing to pay more to get better service from government? Q: In our previous interview on Obama’s new customer service initiative, you were rather pessimistic about…

The Challenges Government Faces in Delivering Customer Service – Never Ending Customer Svce Interviews

Governments should NOT pretend that the citizenry is their customer base. The Challenges Government Faces in Delivering Customer Service Q: Recently, you participated in an online chat on how governments can improve customer service to citizenry. First question, is customer service an impossibility where government…