What is “removing the audience” and why is it important with angry or manipulative customers?

Bystanders, other customers can fuel an angry person’s anger in customer situations What is “removing the audience” and why is it important with angry or manipulative customers? Some customers have a tendency to play to an audience. For example, in a bank, an irate customer…

Can you summarize the most important principles I should apply when dealing with angry or abusive customers?

Twelve Defusing Angry Customers Principles Summarized Can you summarize the most important principles I should apply when dealing with angry or abusive customers? In the Defusing Hostile Customers Workbook, and our seminars, we explain there are twelve important principles customer service staff should apply when…

Customer Service Vs. Servitude, and I’ll Have Some Brats With That

If we treat employees like slaves, we get slave-like behavior. Customer Service Vs. Servitude, and I’ll Have Some Brats With That Q: I noticed that you had a brief conversation with an online colleague of yours, (@altmilan) who suggested that people on both sides of…

Video: Learning About Customer Service From “Taxi Terry”

Scott McKain — Customer Service Lessons from “Taxi Terry” Entertaining six minute video taken from a longer public presentation on customer service. Scott McKain uses a taxi driver’s behavior to explain excellent customer service. The original description of the video is below: Business leader and…

Free Customer Service Video – Angry Restaurant Customer Visits Employee At Home

Restaurant Customer Visits Employee At Home and Teaches Him About The Meaning of Customer Service (8.5 minutes) Excellently written and acted 8 minute video on customer service within a restaurant setting. Starting off with a visit by a restaurant customer treated rudely at a restaurant,…

Understanding the Psychology of Angry Customers

Understanding The Psychology of Customer Anger In this video of about six minutes, the subject of angry customers is approached by 1) helping you understand the psychology of customer anger and 2) providing specific suggestions about what you might do to handle customer anger more…

Video: n Customer Service Doesn’t Mean You Have To Be Perfect

Career Success – Customer Service One of the keystones to career success is providing great customer service. This four minute video clip reminds us that customer service is not necessarily demonstrated by error-free service, but is demonstrated by how quickly and advantageously to the customer, the error is…

Johnny the Bagger: A True Story of Customer Service Video Preview

Johnny The Bagger Video Editor’s Note: It appears that the original video preview available via YouTube is no longer available, and vendors are requiring logins on their sites to view the preview. Since this is a popular page on our website, we’ve found a substitute…

Video: How To Provide Good Customer Service – Four Tips

How to Provide Good Customer Service This five minute video clip is aimed at teenagers working in the fast-food industry, but is sure to find an audience with anyone dealing with angry customers within the service industry. Four essential tips for defusing hostile customers are demonstrated, then…