Video Index For The Training Course
From this page, you’ll be able to access all the lessons in our free video course on dealing with angry customers. It’s really just like a real, live course, so, if you choose, you can participate in the discussions and interact with others taking this seminar.
Lesson 1 – An Overview of the Online Seminar In this episode, we explain the purpose of the seminar, and provide an overview, so you’ll know what to expect.
Lesson 2 – Test Yourself On How Well You Are At Defusing Angry Customers
Just like in a live course, you have assignments and exercises. As I often do in live seminars, I’m asking you to take a listen to an angry customer interacting with a customer service representative. I’ll pose some questions to test you on how good you are at evaluating both good and bad aspects of how the employee handled this incident.
To get the most from this episode, enter your comments and answers to the questions in the discussion area below the video.
In this video we look at our case example of the angry customer/caller from Lesson 2, to see what the customer service rep did well, and what needs to be improved. We draw from the example, two of the fundamental principles for dealing with difficult customers.
Lesson 3 – You’re Underpaid, and Unappreciated. You’re A Customer Service Representative. Why SHOULD You Bother to Learn To Defuse Difficult Customer Situations? (What’s In It For YOUR?)
Most customer service employees are paid poorly, and tend to be transient employees. You may be working your way through school and it’s probable that you aren’t in customer service forever. Whether it’s just a job for you at the moment, or you are in it for the long haul, you may be asking the question: What’s in it for me? Why should I bother learning the skills to defuse difficult customers?
In this video, we’ll share with you what YOU can get out of doing so. Sure, your employer may benefit if you are more skilled, but after all, it’s not YOUR business. Yet there’s good reason to be more effective in your difficult customer interactions.
Lession 4 – Gordon Ramsay Blows Up At Customers – The Ultimate Customer Service Rep Fantasy, But There’s An Important Principle To Be Learned
We use a few excerpts from Chef Gordon Ramsay “going off” on customers to a) induldge in the fantasy of insulting and “owning” customers but all is not fun and games. There’s a learning point.
Lesson 5 – Two More Essential Customer Defusing Principles
In this lesson, you’ll learn two more essential defusing hostile customer principles, one having to do with defusing early on — sometimes even before the customer speaks, and the second about not over-focusing on the customers’ feelings.
Lesson 6 – Avoiding High Risk, High Gain Defusing Attempts: It’s YOUR Physical Safety At Stake
In one of the more important videos, because it has to do with your physical well being, we talk about what high risk, high gain defusing techniques involve, and why you need to be exceedingly careful using humor and countering aggression with aggression.
Lesson 7 – What Customers Need, Psychologically Speaking, to Calm Down
In this video you’ll learn about what customers need to reduce their anger, when they are upset, and “let go” of the anger. We look at some psychological aspects of anger.
Lesson 8 – Getting Angry Callers On The Phone To Stop Talking So You Can Help
In this eigth video in the series, we get to some practical solutions and techniques to get customers to stop ranting at you and start talking with you. There’s an important principle that applies to all angry customer interactions, too.
Lesson 8a – How To Get Out Of The Verbal Abuse Game Angry Customers Play
In the last video we taught you a technique to use over the phone to get control of the conversation and get the person to stop talking and work with you to solve the issue. In this followup you will learn WHY the technique works. This is important because we can use the same “WHY” for other techniques that can be used in person.
Lesson 9 -Angry Customers, Bait, Control, and Avoiding Defending and Counter-Attacking
In this episode we introduce the concept of bait, and caution you on two types of responses that you should not use when dealing with difficult customers — defending statements, and counter-attack statements, and how taking the bait, and using these two kinds of statements will cost you a lot in terms of wasted time.
Lesson 10 – When Angry Adult Customers Act Like Two Year Olds
Ever notice the similiarity between children in their “terrible two’s” and angry customers? Well, we’ have an explanation for the resemblence and it’s important to understand this behavior in order to deal with it, defuse it and prevent it.
Lesson 11 – The C.A.R.P Model For Dealing WIth Angry Customers
in this lesson we explain the often cited CARP model, which we developed in 1992, which explain the overall process for dealing with an angry, or emotional customers. Simple, on the surface, but a lot more complex, because it’s based on consumer psychology, and the psychological needs of emotional and distraught people. It’s also a guide to the TIMING and use of the various defusing techniques in our books.